X Level in the Press
Reforma Mercado Global
By: Antonio Redundo
FORBES "Courageous conversations are extremely important in order for all of us to understand the other perspective and to create lasting change... I feel that true healing in any relationship comes from listening and learning and if we want our world to heal we have to humble ourselves and admit to what we do not know so we do not repeat the same mistakes." -Xitlalt
By: Goldie Chan
Xitlalt Herrera
Dismantle the word lifestyle into its two basic components, and you have a pretty good impression of Xitlalt Herrera. For Herrera, Life = Style and Style = Life. Make it stand out.
By: Steve Bennett San Antonio Woman Magazine
“She is so open, never puts up any walls with people,” said her friend, fashion writer Michael Quintanilla. “And that’s the way I think of her house, open and welcoming. It’s so eclectic — a touch of Mexico, a bit of Paris and New York, a bit of Zen, a bit of Morocco and Asia. Every room you step into is like another world. And you think, where did she find this? Everything has a story. Everything offers a way of starting a new conversation.
“I also think of her house in terms of fashion. It’s layered. You know, when you put on an outfit, you select accessories and layers to create a unique look and feel. That how Xitlalt’s house is — it’s accessorized!”
Listen up.
Success with Style Podcast with Rob Giardinelli & Lance Avery Morgan
Podcast interview of Xitlalt and her vision behind X Level Inc- By Jackie Tapia
Ready for the Next Level with Xitlalt Herrera click here to listen or on image to view
Jackie Tapia interview of Xitlalt The Self- Trust Formula
“A Life Enlightened: When Fashion Meets Philanthropy, With Neiman Marcus Public Relations Manager Xitlalt Herrera”
By Eleanora Morrison - Eleanora Magazine
Courageous Conversations: 9 Leaders Telling Brave Stories
By: Goldie Chan - Forbes
San Antonio's Evolving Fashion Scene and Stand Out Stars
By: Jessica Headly - Fox San Antonio
Style as a Way of Life with Xitlalt
Success with Style Podcast
Captivatingly Chic
By: Society Texas
Reforma Mercado Global NYC
By: Antonio Redundo